Tag: horse
Egypt Facts, Sheep Date and Mike the one man school band: AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 27
Egyptian facts, Michael ‘One man school band’ Bell, the MAX INTERVENTION, Ton 10 Stains on Sofa? It’s only the AhhGee Podcast episode 27.
Entrance music for love, Terrible Ed Fringe preview and 13 year old spirit girl stalking: AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 26
Grax’s entrance music for sex, terrible EdFringe preview and 13 year old ghost girl? It’s the AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 26.
Tips From Andy Murray, Surrogate Mike and Superior Crisps: AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 22
In the Summertime when the weather is hot Andy, Grax and Michael Bell are sweating it out to bring you another sizzling episode of the AhhGee Podcast
Mike gets lucky, Grax hates ducks and Andy says “Thank you”: AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 18
Team AhhGee are back from the Brighton Fringe Festival. Turns out that Mike is lucky in casinos and Grax hates ducks. Why? It’s all in this week’s #AhhGeePodcast.
Deal or No Deal, Shifty Balloon Bell and Andy’s Premier Inn: AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 15
Has Grax and Michael Bell bitten off more than they can chew on a very #AhhGeePodcast’s Deal Or No Deal? Have we finally cracked Antarctica??
Escape from sleepy girl, UFO sheep sightings and Secret Tories everywhere! AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 14
The Tories are in and Mike rages. But there’s still a bit of train antics, local news, Texas the Psychic Horse and your #BurningQuestions. Special hello to Noel Edmunds. Thanks for following us!
Stylus over Substance, Banana King and a Very Sneaky Mike | AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 10
DISCIPLINARY ACTION IS REQUIRED! Grax strolls back to AhhGee HQ and is greeted by Michael Bell giving him a stern telling off for “running away”. Andy’s drunken podcasting antics has not been forgotten and Michael Bell dispenses a fitting punishment to a now-sober Mr Harland. On the plus side, Andy’s being drunk gives him and…
Mike’s Sex Video, Youth Dance-Off and Stress Inducing Bread | AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 7
In this week’s podcast team AhhGee do a little bit of research into how people find the AhhGee Productions website. But that’s nothing compared to the interest run-in that Andy had when returning to his car.
Ugly Wall, Favourite Biscuit and Supermarket Hero | AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 6
Andy has a realisation that he might rather middle class. The main clue to this is how he searches high and low for a cafeteria. But he doesn’t even like coffee… does he? Oh how middle class of us.
Dodgy Ozzie, Radio 4 Punch up and a Bitey Kitten Problem | AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 5
This week’s show is a culture fest, Grax has been to the theatre with a very enthusiastic audience member, whilst Michael Bell of the Internet has been hanging out with a radio four crowd. What could possibly have gone wrong?
Pancake Bender, 50 Shades Stats and Rats from The Other Side | AhhGee Podcast Series 2 Episode 3
What’s this?? Did Team AhhGee manage to get Gav Cross of Funny Looking Pod fame onto the AhhGee Podcast this week??? No… no… it’s just Grax being ill and is waiting for the medication to kick in.
AhhGee Podcast: Episode 7
Clowns, faulty vending machines, women magazines and the insane genius that is Texas The Psychic Horse and more! Episode 7!