Ladies and Gentlemen… We’re back! It’s series 2 of the AhhGee Podcast!
Andy and Grax are back once again and they even have the Internet’s own Michael Bell. They managed to keep him signed on for another series. Which is a good thing too, because Michael Bell share his story about how he survived a derailed train and now he is paranoid about dying at any point. Just like that documentary Final Destination.
We have a new selection of news for your ears. In the news; man rubs his nude private parts on a public postbox and drugged up couple are trapped in unlocked cupboard for two days.
Texas makes a triumphant return to the show and his story is a good ‘un. An elderly dog, Lucy, has become clingy and lost her appetite. What could be wrong? Yup, ghosts! Can DC comics make a difference in this problem?
With a new series we’re trying a new feature called “What’s In The Shed”. Each week we put into its infinitely vast storage space items kindly donated by you, the kindly listener. What we will be put into the shed this week?
All this and more #BurningQuestions, Mike Gets Angry and Mike’s Poem.
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What’s In The Shed
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