What’s this?? Did Team AhhGee manage to get Gav Cross of Funny Looking Pod fame onto the AhhGee Podcast this week??? No… no… it’s just Grax being ill and is waiting for the medication to kick in.
As it was Pancake day last Tuesday Andy partook in some over-eating of pancakes for charity. However the pancake-bender resulted in him saying something to his whole family that maybe he shouldn’t have done.
In the news the firemen are picking up the pieces in the destructive wake of the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon. We also see Texas share a story of two rats that were clearly meant to be together in Heaven… or perhaps one rat could not bear to be without the other.
All this plus the weekly editions of #WhatsInTheShed, #BurningQuestions and #MikesPoem.
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Andy ate too many pancakes for charity. This is the charity that Andy supported:
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