It’s episode U of the #AhhGeePodcast and in today’s up-to-the-hilt show Michael Bell tells us about his latest adventure at University. It is a fleeting romance story in the back seat of a car that stirs up some interesting feelings deep in the loins of Michael Bell.
Andy calls out Grax in this week’s #AskAhhGee. While Grax and Mike answer a question about a person who is trying to run away from everything, Andy discovers that Grax’s medical certificate has expired and is in the bin! How does Grax explain himself?
In this week’s #CulDeSac we see the conclusion to the pantomime storyline. Final we see Joy’s pantomime in full swing. Will it be enough to save the secret brothel?
All this and your weekly #BurningQuestions and #MikesPoem.
Burning Questions
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