Great Britain has chosen its new government. Great Britain is now a Conservative country and Michael Bell is furious about this. Feel the true rage of #MikeGetsAngry, more powerful than before. Andy and Grax manage to chip in their 2 pennies about the political pantomime that is the majority vote on the Tories. Such emotions and it only within the first 10 minutes of the show!
In lighter news odd things happen to Michael Bell and Andy on trains. Michael needed to pull off some ingenious Indiana Jones shenanigans to escape the clutches of a clingy, sleepy girl. Andy sees the future of yesterday today with a toilet booth that spoke back to him. But someone had to record that pre-recorded voice to begin with. That gives Grax an idea.
In the news Instagram tries to ban the aubergine emoji due to suggestive tones, and sheeps have been abducted by UFOs in Wales. Plus Texas the Psychic Horse has discovered a reader that has special powers that Holly Davis should be nurturing.
All this and your #BurningQuestions and #MikesListOfThingsThatHeShouldHaveSaid.
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