Andy kicks things off with a series of apologies after last weeks episode… Sorry to those he offended. Especially the Llamas. This week’s show is a culture fest, Grax has been to the theatre with a very enthusiastic audience member, whilst Michael Bell of the Internet has been hanging out with a radio four crowd. What could possibly have gone wrong? Our Andy has been gifted with a very special face cream and whilst on his travels has taken note of an interesting logo for a handy man company. What could possibly have gone wrong? We’ve news of a bungling burglar (what could have possibly gone wrong?) and Grax has a great idea for making some AhhGee money subletting a Hungarian village. Texas the Psychic Horse is back! This time with kitten advice and we provide answers to some excellent Burning Questions. We also find time to continue to fill our shed with many lovely items, it’s got plenty of space in yet though, so keep those #WhatsInTheShed requests coming! Having trouble hearing this podcast? Listen to this podcast on SoundCloud.
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