Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a rather subdued episode of the AhhGee Podcast (at least from Andy as he’s cooped up in a Premier Inn, trying to be quiet!)
But there’s fantastic news in that we are soon to maybe become actually WORLD HEARD! Yes! With the help of twitter, we might just break the mighty Antarctica!!!
In local news (provided by @Beerhund), we learn of a bug with a toilet problem, which soon leads to a discussion about etiquette
Mr Michael Bell of the Internet tells a tale of a balloon based mission, with a slightly embarrassing turn and the majority of this weeks episode pays homage to the greatest game show of the 5:00 slot, Deal or no Deal – but who will win the big money and who knows the most #NoelFacts?
Texas the Psychic Horse really shows his psychic abilities later on and we have more of your #BurningQuestions.
This weeks mentions:
@Beerhund (A year of listening to the whimsy)
@RadioPositivity (New friends)
@NoelEdmonds (Legend)
@PolarBen (Our hero!)
@BethAHealey (From Antarctica!)
@JohnDredge (chap)
@AndrewCarberry (MC Carbs)
@islay13 (Brilliant)
@FunnyLookingPod (Mercurial)
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