Oh dear Grax, what have you done? He only went and thrown away his washing machine. He’s a fool to himself, how will he and his girlfriend have clean clothes for the week? Of course the logical thing to do is do a charity appeal for new underwear.
In this week’s Cul-De-Sac Chelsea is grounded for her bad behaviour. But that’s not going to stop her from going to that party. And who does she meet at this party? You’ll have to listen to find out.
We got another letter for #AskAhhGee where a shy train traveler is having trouble talking to a girl on the train. Mike provides sensible advise, while Grax shares his experience of passing a note to a girl in a loud nightclub. This truly bizarre story leaves Michael Bell and Andy utterly perplexed.
All this and your weekly #BurningQuestions and #MikesPoem.
Burning Questions
@TokyoMagic (Happy Belate Birthday)
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