Would you cut your own thumb off for a £50, 000 a year job? This is the question that the trio asks in the “E for Eccles cake” episode of the AhhGee Podcast. However Grax is not convinced and he tries to argue against severing ones thumb for cash.
We got another letter for #AskAhhGee. Today’s letter we learn that a man goes to his girlfriend’s family bathroom for an emergency poop, only to accidentally walk into his girlfriend’s mother who was naked. Michael Bell and Grax offer their expertise on how to best manage this situation.
Cul-De-Sac episode 4 and the audio soap opera take a turn for the normal as we look into the lives on one family enjoying some Italian food. With the tease of young love in the air, would the handsome young waiter of the Italian restaurant reveal his dubious double life?
All this and your weekly #BurningQuestions and #MikesPoem.
If you guys want to stop Grax’s fantasy Premiere League reign of supremecy you can join in the Kamikaze league by going to http://fantasy.premierleague.com/my-leagues/55578/standings/
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