Happy Monday! Merry March! It’s a new week and it’s a new episode of the nearly world heard AhhGee Podcast! This week Grax seems a little bit different, Andy and Mike decide that it’s clearly a dastardly plan from the mercurial Gav Cross of @FunnyLookingPod Grax shares his morning ritual and more of Andy’s family have been getting in touch with the show! In the midlands Mike saw a bird related incident and we try to work out the term ‘Bae’ In news this week we have an AhhGee Podcast exclusive!! It’s a live on the air high speed Llama chase! We also learn about a unique opportunity to rent a friend. We bring you more answers to you #BurningQuestions and we’ve had plenty more submissions to our enormous shed in What’s in the Shed. The week’s show ends with a little more lovely verse from Michael Bell of the Internet. Ding. Having trouble hearing this podcast? Listen to this podcast on SoundCloud. Download this podcast episode here. Did someone say AhhGee Podcast Live? – Yes! We’re back!
The AhhGeePodcastLive is coming to Brighton Fringe this May 2015! And it’s free entry!!
Mentions and contributors this week
@GavCross @WeRFunnyProject @lhcomedy @brightonfringe @dirk_sanchez @tillygirl3 @ReynardCity @ukcardcast @DeanoB24 @tokyomagic
Follow us on Social Media sites:
www.twitter.com/ahhgeeprod www.facebook.com/ahhgeeprod www.youtube.com/ahhgeeproductions www.vine.co/ahhgeeproductions @GraxBishop @MichaelBell86 @WhimsyOfAndy
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This episode wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the magnificent Caroline P. Thank you. x
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