Previously on the AhhGee Podcast. Grax and Michael Bell drove off the edge of a cliff at the end of series 2 of the AhhGeePodcast. We find Andy in a graveyard as he pays his respects to his fallen compadres. But how can we have the podcast without all 3 guys? Well we do, stay tune to find out how.
Michael Bell tries to defuse a moment of drama at school by making the children watch a silly song on the screen. Anything to distract them from the cat and the pigeon ‘playing’ outside. Also Andy introduces a new section to the show called #AskAhhGee, where people send in their problems that they want our advice on. This week we listen to Trixie’s problem with Graham and his taste in clothes.
All this and the weekly news, #BurningQuestions and #MikesPoem.
Welcome one and all to the brand new series of the AhhGee Podcast. Series 3 episode A. What’s this? Letters instead of numbers? We like to shake things up at AhhGee HQ.
Burning Questions
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