We are back from our short break from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and we have missed you.
Andy kicks off this week’s podcast by sharing a thought that he had when moving into his new home; why hasn’t anyone imitated the chicken franchise Nando, in the same way as Kentucky Fried Chicken has imitators? And would you buy your very own Andy Harland™ unit?
Speaking of #EdFringe, Andy and Michael Bell go off on another mini adventure together. This is what happens when the #AhhGeePodcastLive crew have a bit of a bad-luck day.
We all turn to the media to find some juicy stories to share with you. From charming classifieds to animals that just cannot seem to control their murderous, lustful ways. Can Texas the Psychic horse help calm the situation. (Here’s a hint: no).
Finally we round up this week’s podcast with your special Justice League of the AhhGee Nation (#JLAG) edition of the #AhhGeeNation, we answer your #BurningQuestions and we end on Mike’s Poem.
Having problems hearing this podcast? Listen to episode 34 on SoundCloud.
This week’s AhhGee Nation mention
This week’s Burning Questions submissions
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